Voiclines (Vanilla Syrup Cookie) @paintbrush=blue @astro_247=purpleRegular Voice lines:“Break it, you buy it..? Never heard that phrase before..”•“Wake me up if you find something to drink…”•“You want my autograph? Oh.. you meant Crystal Star Cookie’s autograph..”•“Don’t listen to Crystal Star Cookie.”•“All poisonous potions are fifty percent off.. if you go to my shop instead of Crystal Star Cookie’s shop.”•“I love the smell of toxins..”•“Ugh, are we there yet?”•“Don’t tell Crystal Star Cookie I stole from her shop..”•“Huh? What’d you say?”•“I think I swallowed a poisonous potion again..”•“Don’t leave!”•“I’m feeling a bit lightheaded…”•“Look what I stole— I mean borrowed this morning.”•“I’m not hallucinating!”•“Look, kid, you’re not old enough for this potion, but maybe if you don’t tell your parents..”•“A new customer!”•“Yawn”•“This is taking foreveeeer!”•“I think I need more ingredients….”•“I am not an airhead….”•“Crystal Star Cookie is so mean to me *dramatic sigh*…”•Winning Lines:“My potions were useful!”•“Yaaaaay~”•“Huh, that was fast…”•Losing Lines:“I feel woozy…”•“I need a nap…”•“Where’s Crystal Star Cookie?”•Wish tree Line:“I need this for my shop…please?”•Knockout:“Not cool!”•Skill:“Eat poison!”•Gacha Pre-Pull:“Ughh, no customers today…”•Gacha:“Please visit my shop!”•Arena Loading Screen:“Yawn, let’s do this quickly”•“I’m sure you’ll like the taste of my potions…”• Extra: (inspired by some of the voice lines)Conversations: (Crystal Star Cookie=pink, Vanilla Syrup Cookie=yellow)Situation: Vanilla Syrup Cookie stole star jellies from Crystal Star Cookie“Why are my jellies missing?”“Huh…why are you accusing me…how mean”“Oh idk, maybe it’s because of all the star jelly wrappers on your shop!”“Whaaaat? I…paid for those…definitely”“…Vanilla Syrup Cookie…you’re broke”“Oh….yeah you’re right”Situation: Vanilla Syrup Cookie “forgot” to wear his gas mask“Crystal Star Cookie!! There’s a huge monster!”“What, where!?”“Right there! Are you blind!?”“…there’s nothing there…did you inhale the toxins from your potions again?”“…uhm…no?”“I swear…”Situation: pulling the carts/shops to a new location“Yawn, are we there yet…”“No…maybe if you helped pull the shops we’d be there by now!”“*sigh*, but you’re so much stronger, I’d totally just be dead weight…”“That’s just an excuse not to help!”“Can’t hear you, going to sleep now!”“Ughhh….”