‘ Not To Long ‘Mini Story by CinnamonrollChapter 1.Macy was just a normal high school student, 4 close friends,10 friends. Weird because she lost a “friend” but not a closeone. At least. (Yet.) Nothing personal, they just didn’t talk.Macy really did think that her life was going well, until 7thperiod, Macy accidentally ran into the teacher, as the teacherwas holding a very fragile cup, and raspberry juice. The cupbroke. Ms. Howard was very very upset. She immediately toldMacy to go to the office, Macy being the most difficult tohandle, Macy caused a huge problem. “No.” She said.“What!” Ms Howard screamed at her. <Thoughts of Ms. H -“This child is way to difficult!”> Ms Howard looked down ather shirt seeing the mess of red, and juicy red and black juiceall over Ms. Howard’s brand new shirt. “Ugh.. Macy, gobefore I call some parents, your holding up my class, and mytime. Seth raised his hand. “Yes, Seth?” Ms Howard asked. “Isaw Macy in the hallways drinking from someone else waterbottle!” Seth reported. “Macy! You know that it’s a school ruleto do this! Look at my shirt AND MY SHIRT!” Ms Howardsaid. Macy didn’t like how Ms Howard was screaming, shejust walked home without the notice. Ms Howard changing inthe bathroom, She noticed an alarm set off of the school.“CLASS SETTLE DOWN, MACY JUST LEFT THE SCHOOLIT’S NOT THAT BAD” Ms Howard yelled. “Not to Long..”whispered Elizabeth, Macy’s Best friend. “Not to Long..”“Not to Long..”bye