The fossa between the lateral part of thorax upperpart of humerus and lower part of the shoulder.axilla is the passageway for the vessels and nervesfrom trunk to reach to the upper limb.It is roughly pyramidal in shape, having an apex afloor and four walls.Walls of the axillaLateral: interubercular groove of the•humerusMedial: 1st-4th ribs land associated•intercostal muscles) and serratusanterior muscleAnterior - ClaviclePosterior - superior margin of the scapulaMedial - first ribAxillary arteryand its branchesAxillary vein andits branchesCarrydeoxygenatedblood towardheartCarry oxygenicblood fromheart to thestructuresAxillary artery, axillary vein and the infraclavicular part of the brachialplexus is enclosed within a fascia called the axillary sheath.Axillary sheath is the continuation of the prevertebral layer of the deepcervical fascia.Axillary sheathAxillary artery