Trapped Chapter 22
That’s me. She says and I feel her thoughts overlap mine. I pull back a bit. How
was she here?! What was going on? I opened back up to her. How are you here?
I ask her. I dont know, i felt a slight twinge in my head and investigated it and
it lead me here. What’s a lunch room? Whos Mary Jane? She asks. I mentally
slap my face. A lunch room is where students eat lunch inbetween classes. And
Mary Jane is nobody important. I say. Then why do i feel a lot of anger at the
mention of her name? She asks. Dang it. She can feel my emotions too?! Fine,
shes this bully thats super mean and a jerk. I tell her. Ah. I get it now. She
says. Um, are you just gonna be here? I ask her after a bit silence. I dont really
know how to get back to Freven. She says. Freven, the name of the world I had
created. I dont know how to get you home either. I tell her. Well, looks like your
gonna stick around with me till I get home and gure this out. I tell her. Fine
with me, I’ll just sit and observe. Your world is very interesting. She says and
grows quiet. Ok, that was crazy. I think and try to focus. Ms Poppy was getting
on to Tyler about throwing a paper airplane in class. After the lesson I walked
out and walked silently to my next class. That’s when I felt myself move and
being pressed against the lockers. I told you. Stay. Away. From Jake. Mary Jane’s
menacing voice breathed into my ear. I tried to struggle free but no luck. Her
hands were like iron clamps against the wall. Let me go Mary Jane. I tell her.
Not until I make it painful clear. She says and pushes me against the metal
harder. I could feel the iron and steel against my back and winced as I bruised.
Hey, let her go Mary Jane. A voice says and the iron clamps relax. J-jason! What
are you doing here? She stutters. I said leave her alone. He says. Mary Jane
with one spiteful shove releases me and stalks off with her girls behind her. I
rubbed my head at the bounding headache. Hey, you ok? Did they hurt you?
Jason asks and helps me collect myself. Im-im ok thanks Jason. I tell him. He
smiles. No problem. Im sorry they did that to you. He says in a sweet tone. Its
ne, im used to it. I tell him. Ok, well if you ever need help just ask. He says
and walks off. Everyone was staring at me. I slouched and tried not to wince at
my already bruising back. I walked ot class and sunk into my chair. You shouldve
challenged those girls. Heather’s voice entering my mind again. That would make
it worse. I tell her sulking. Still, your lucky that guy helped you out. She points
out. Jason? Yeah, i guess so. I say and trail off. Jaso hadn’t spoken with me since
6th grade. Why now? The bell rang and I settled into the lesson but Jason still
On my mind. Why did he help me?