I feel that Baizhu is very empathetic to the less fortunate in his own way. When *we first meethim, he seems like a swindler who only cares about money due to the high price he charges usfor some incense for the Rite of Parting. However, it is revealed in his character stories that hecharges high prices for those with more money so that those who are normally unable to affordmedical care can be treated for free. This shows that he has a strong sense of empathy for thosewho are not well-off, albeit with him showing this empathy through dubious means. He also tookin Qiqi even though she is extremely forgetful and is a jiangshi, showing his empathy for the lessfortunate.I also feel that Baizhu is caring. He was aware of how Changsheng’s contract, which costs thehost’s own health in exchange for unparalleled healing power and has been passed downthrough generations of doctors and their disciples, would likely lead to his premature d3athshould he take it on. However, upon learning that Changsheng will d!e if the contract isabandoned, he took on the contract, stating that “If there’s a life in front of [him] that requiressaving, why shouldn’t [he] do everything in [his] power to save it?” He also took in Qiqi andbecame her caretaker. Though he states that it was in his personal interests as Qiqi could furtherhis studies in immortality, the amount of effort he puts into rescuing Qiqi every time Hu Taoattempts to put her to rest proves that he does genuinely care about Qiqi. He also continues toheal those in need, even if it will worsen his condition.I also feel that Baizhu is very determined. Knowing how Changsheng’s contract results inpremature d3ath, he was determined to ensure that he will be the contract’s last holder, eitherthrough not passing it down to his disciple or attaining immortality. His determination for thecontract never to have another holder even resulted in him receiving his Vision, a sign of approvalfrom Celestia itself. He is also very determined in that no matter how many times Hu Taoattempts to kidnap Qiqi and out her to rest, he always rescues Qiqi. He is also determined tocontinue healing people in need despite knowing that it worsens his condition.*we refers to Traveler (can be Aether or Lumine)