Portrait Request Form
So, I recently got into drawing portraits (check my Note "the elderly artist" to see an
example of my work), and I was wondering if anyone on Notability would like their
portraits drawn?
Obviously, I'd need to see a picture of you, which I'm aware some people aren't
comfortable with, and if you are one of those people, sorry. There's no other way I
can do a portrait of you.
But to those who are still interested, make your Prole Picture a photo of your face,
copy this note (make sure you are copying the original!) and tag me in the
I'll begin work on your portrait, and when I start, I'll let you know so that you can
change your prole picture back.
When I'm done, I'll upload the nished portrait. If you want it taken down at any
point, just say so in the comments, and I'll do it as soon as I can.
Let me just say that it is completely all right if you don't want to do this. Personally I
wouldn't be comfortable sharing a picture of my face, and I totally understand if you
choose not to do this.
But I'm looking forward to drawing some portraits of those who are interested!
[Check the boxes]
[ ] I am willing for my portrait to be posted in the Gallery
[ ] I understand that others will see the nished portrait
And if you have any special requests for the portrait, within reason, list them here:
(e.g., smiling, headband, etc)
Put your username here: ________________________________________