BASTWhat is the main character’sfull name?What is the name of the townthat the majority of the storytakes place in?Forks, WashingtonIsabella Marie SwanWhat is Edward’s gift?Reading minds/TelepathyWhat is Alice’s gift?Mental Precognition/Telling thefutureDo all of the Cullens date eachother?Yes and no, Edward issingle until he meets Bella. BODRUMHow many vampires do we meet inbook 1?10Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Alice,Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, James,Laurent, and Victoria.Yes and no, Edward issingle.Yes and no, Edward issingle.Her old ballet studioWhat was Edward’s nicknamefor Bella?Spider monkey“You better hold on tight, spidermonkey.What color hair does Victoriahave?Red/OrangeWhat song plays in thebackground during thebaseball scene?Supermassive BlackHole by MuseWhere did James lure Bella? BABOWhen was Carlisle Cullen born?1640s EnglandWhat position does Alice playin the baseball scene? PitcherWhy did Alice lose hermemory the first time?What animal is mainly featured onthe Cullen family crest? A lionHow did Emmett almost die? Bear attackWhat kind of couch does Edward havein his bedroom? A black leather couchThe electroshock therapy sheunderwent at the asylum