goofy AAaAaAaAAAaAaa
Oml u guys won’t believe what just happened. So I’m still on Christmas break and we’re going to
France tomorrow :0 and today in the morning my mom literally said “I can’t adult today just do
whatever u want” so my older sister made me and my lil sis pancakes and we had wayyyyy too
much whipped cream. Then I binged tt and Pokémon for half the day, then we had lunch which was
instant ramen with these weird add ons (we have a game lol) and then other half was when my
sister took me and my lil sis and my doggie to the dog park and we played with all of the dogs
there, then we came home and my mom is gonna make dinner cuz the whole day she literally slept
and online shopped and did nothing 😂 and that was my whole day 😁 now I’m eating chips while
typing this and getting crumbs all over my iPad :D
I hope u guys are having a good day too!