Which season do youprefer?A. FallB. SpringIf you were to get a catwould it be a calico or ablack cat?A. BlackB. CalicoIf you see your enemy inpain do you help them orcall for help?A.Help themB.Call for helpDo you prefer a bigfriend group or atrio?A.TrioB.Big groupDoes alone meanlonely?A. NOB. YesIf you get humiliated, the next daydo youA. Stay at home and not show yourfaceB. Go outside and pretend likenothing ever happendWhich do you prefer on arainy day?A. Staying at home with acup of coffee or hot chocolateB. Going outside to play inthe rainTake this quiz to find out!What kind of Swiftie are you?Which is thebetter holiday?A.ChristmasB. Halloween If your going to your enemiesfuneral do you:A. Wear bright and vibrant colorsB. Follow the dress codeIf a spider gets into your housewhat do you do?A. Ignore itB. Take it outsideWhat do you prefer?A. Lots of classwork but littlehomeworkB. Little classwork but lots ofhomeworkIf you make a mistake do youA. Keep going on your ownuntil you get it rightB. Try it once more and thenask for helpHere are the results!Mostly A's : Reputation Swiftie! You want to prove yourself to otherpeople but at the same time don't care what everyone thinks of you.Mostly B's : Fearless Swiftie! You love other people and being social!You take advantage of every situation to make the day better!Difference of 1: 1989 Swiftie! You are chill and like hanging out withothers but need your alone time to recharge!Difference of 2( more Fearless ): Speak Now Swiftie! You are brightand smart, you are sometimes too nice or too strict.Difference of 2 (More Reputation): Midnights Swiftie! You want to bepositive but sometimes that can be hard for you.Exact same: Red Swiftie! You want everyone to like you, but your nota pick me, you enjoy having others be in the spotlight!