Bonus Riddle! No.2
Once there were 5 boys. Their names were Archie, Chase, Jack, Coley, and Ethan. Archie was a fencing
addict, Chase was a chef, Jack was a vegetarian, and Coley loved swimming. They all shared a love of fencing,
though. One day, Archie invited the boys to his fencing club. They were all having a good time, until Archie
suddenly dropped dead while turning on the music. Who killed Archie? Hints: Chase said he was cooking a
hamburger. Jack said he was watching Chase to try to get over his vegetarianism. Coley said he was
swimming in the pool. (Forgot to add Ethan he was eating Chase’s hamburger)
Riddle 2: There were 4 girls. Their names were Amelia, Camilla, Celine, and Noelle. They all loved swimming,
so eventually Amelia invited them to her swimming club. Someone was in the bathroom, and the person who
came out was a skeleton. 💀 Who was in the bathroom? Hints: Amelia was swimming. Camilla was washing
her hands. Celine was eating some french fries. Noelle was on the deck, texting her friends to come over.