Another thing I hate
You know what I hate? What I REALLY hate? People who don’t know boundaries or have limits. They just assume that everything
is a joke and that everyone’s just gonna go along with whatever they want. They’re SO immature and make such stupid jokes
but they’re not jokes, they’re just being a pain. If you aren’t laughing then you’re sensitive and uptight. And it isn’t one and
done, they keep doing these dumb gags over and over and say the same excuses. “You don’t have any humor!” No, YOU just
don’t know how to be funny and tell jokes people actually like. Then they try to get you to laugh when you’re telling them off
and never take things seriously. They try to get you to agree with them or admit that you’re being rude or something when
you’re not. I hate it so much, even if it’s not directly happening to me. I can’t help but get involved when someone does this to
somebody else. Especially when the playing grounds are uneven. These encounters usually get physical, the annoying
prankster gets up to you and your personal space. They start breathing directly into your face, pushing you a bit, getting loud,
and start doing these bothersome gestures that are so ANNOYING. They start threatening you with stuff and taking your things
and when you try to do something about it they start threatening you some more. They take your cup of whatever and start
acting like they’re drinking it, you tell them to stop, they keep doing it, you try getting it away from them, they say that they’re
going to break the cup, then they keep trying to drink it, things escalate, you get agitated, then they start blaming you for
being a snob or something. I hate that I live with someone like this, it gives me a migraine. The age difference is insane too,
why are you bullying a child? They don’t know basic manners and start talking about how much they’ve done for you but what
they say is the most basic things ever, things that they’re SUPPOSE to do. Like, what do you mean you’re being nice by opening
the front door for me? You’re MEANT to, or else I’d be locked outside you idiot. They start talking about how you were nicer
before, happier before, smiling more before, more humorous before. Whatever, you were more tolerable before too, why did
YOU change? I’m sorry if you live with someone like that, it’s awful. A 24 year old acting like a stupid child. You can’t do
anything too because the only person who gets in trouble is you because your parents are tired of them and know they won’t
change and you can’t teach them a lesson because they’re bigger and stronger than you. I hate it, sorry for the rant. Probably
didn’t read it all though, lol.