93sreinsCDOk what’s good guys, I have made a mistake lets start a cult to bring hutch backbecause him leaving was truly not my intention and personally communicating with himwas an even worse choice, see Yuoaki found out the lines don’t aline, and I had noчертовски Idea he was just “heavily referencing” вот как я допустил ошибку so nowim going to send a whole paragraph of an apology to hutch because i deserve it, and illjust hand down my exposing doc to efi3xx or Yuoaki because i have no knowledge ofexposing, and I like to be nice and I tried exposing in the nicest way possible to avoiddrama but guess what, DRAMA remember like two to three weeks ago I made a notesaying I would expose some people but then I refrained right? So next time mabye I(everyone) should possibly just personally get in touch with the user to confirm your
findings and see if its true. Yes I am pretty dum3 hehe. Now time to go write a wholeessay on how to apologize to hutch thanks guys! (NO IM NOT AN ATTENTION SEEKER)