Apology to the Gallery
Ok what’s good guys, I have made a mistake lets start a cult to bring hutch back
because him leaving was truly not my intention and personally communicating with him
was an even worse choice, see Yuoaki found out the lines don’t aline, and I had no
чертовски Idea he was just “heavily referencing” вот как я допустил ошибку so now
im going to send a whole paragraph of an apology to hutch because i deserve it, and ill
just hand down my exposing doc to e3xx or Yuoaki because i have no knowledge of
exposing, and I like to be nice and I tried exposing in the nicest way possible to avoid
drama but guess what, DRAMA remember like two to three weeks ago I made a note
saying I would expose some people but then I refrained right? So next time mabye I
(everyone) should possibly just personally get in touch with the user to conrm your
ndings and see if its true. Yes I am pretty dum3 hehe. Now time to go write a whole
essay on how to apologize to hutch thanks guys! (NO IM NOT AN ATTENTION SEEKER)