Are you goo yes 1am thanks you don't worrythat's great to heat Were you sik Yes Iwas OhHave you finally gotyour dog back from dog hospitalYes I have I missed pumkin Have you got a pettoo NoIhaveDo you still like in Tokawayo No Idon't Ohbut do yousiblings still live there Yesthey do Canyou visitthemsometimes Yes I can Ilive in Naomi that's not thatfaraway Do you still live in Savannah YesIdo Isn't your sisteMaya married Noshe'snotShe'sjustengaged Ohguess IgotsomeWrong an she even alreadymartyIsn'tsheseventeen Yessheanandnoshe'seightOh so youare twenty Yes am Haveyoualready gotyourdriving license Yes IhaveBut onlyforbikeand motorbike Doyoulike train andbus more for longjourneys than a cat Yes IdoIt's great to knowyouhelpthe worldHaveyougotyour drivinglicense No I haven't I like helping the worldtoo Doyou alsobuyorganic products Yes IdoCanyouhelp mefinding ajobbysiedeltesIcYou could be a weitet in that tainbowfood ResterantIt's atsayingtoastet me callthem foryou Here thephone Hellotangetyou Oh I wantedto applyfor djobasawaiter am I right here Youcanapplyforthatanyafternorf matthebat Thankyou verymuch Goodbyeinangsthanks for your help Adami You're always welcomeNick fan I beyou with anything too Yesyoucanwouldyou help metoogetaday OfcourseThere's thatstore It'scalled pet'sdreamlandIt'snotreally a store you can get adressesfrom people whocan't careabotheir pets anymore so they sellthem ThanksCanyou tellmewhere it is No I cant Solly 11s theBacktothetheme have you got adriving licensefor bike No haven'tSomething likethat isn't thatusualwhere I live That's kindasadCanyou come with meto rainbowfoods Yes Ican Let'sgo