I’m bored 😐 what do I do I’m at school rn any ideasWelcome to the internet have a look aroundAnything that brain of yours can think of can be foundWe’ve got mountains of contentSome better some worseIf none of its of interest to you you’d be the firstWelcome to the internet come and take a seatWould you like to see the news or any famous women’s feetThere’s no need to panic, this isn’t a test, hahaJust nod or shake your head and we’ll do the restWelcome to the internet what would you preferWould you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slurBe happy be horny be bursting with rageWe’ve got a million different ways to engageWelcome to the internet put your cares asideHere’s a tip for straining pastaHere’s a nine year old who diedWe’ve got movies, and doctors, and fantasy sportsAnd a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different characters of Harry Potter ******* eachotherWelcome to the internet hold on to your sockscuz a random guy just kindly sent you photos of his ****They are grainy and off puttingHe just sent you moreDon’t act suprised you know you like it you *****See a man beheaded get offended see a shrinkShow us pictures of your children tell us every thought you thinkStart a rumor of a broom or send a death threat to a boomerOr dm a girl and groom her do a zoom and find a tumour in your-Heres a healthy breakfast option!You should k*ll your mom!Here’s why women never **** you!Here’s how you can build a bomb!Which power ranger are you, take this quirky quiiiiiiz!Obama sent the immigrants to vac-ci-nate-your-kids!Could I interest you in everything all of the timeA little bit of everything all of the tiimeApathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crimeAnything and everything all of the timeCould I interest you in everything all of the timeA little bit of everything all of the tiimeApathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crimeAnything and everything all of the time