someoneEnter air megive mea funny StoryPIZput yourQ's onthe BOXwhen urdone so iknow whoIAlr so i was legit in class and yet this kidalways tries to get the girl’s attention(somehow like me ig) she regretted himbut he started to scream and come at mesaying “PLEASE I LIKE YOU PLEASE TAKEME OMG OMG PLEASE x74838292992” Ikept saying no, because, me myself isAromatic which i do not feel anythingaround guys n girls. Especially since wegot that one softie in our class.. 🥲this happened at my oldschool(Also im picking the best story :)make up something, dosomething in irl, something inclass, whatever that u think willentertain me, also just a headsup i love scary & funny stories.✌ 💃