Litarature > art
Rn I’m deleting almost all of my posts because from now on I
want to only post literature and poetry because I nd myself
doing more of that and having more fun writing poems and
story’s then drawing, I know I have come far as a artist am and
good (I guess from what y’all say😭 ) but I almost never post art
any more because it’s getting boring and I don’t nd joy in it
anymore I will draw something for hours and still not be happy
with it but with ligature I can go on for hours and not get bored
and it turned out fairly good, I understand I will probably lose a
lot of followers from this but it’s my prole and I would like to
chose what content I post, my grime mart series is kinda trash
but I wish to work and improve on it and bring more series to this
platform in the future. Also with shattered mirrors the actual story
of the whole this was a lot better then the art so I feel that it
would be better to continue posting story’s and poems instead
of art, I hope you stay along for the ride and if you do not like
this diction it is fully up to you to un follow me.