Update post on me and Ethan (my boyfriend)
Hi Peeps! I have not posted in
a very long time, but a lot has
happened between me and
Ethan since my last update
The ght that started this rough
patch for me and Ethan:
My friend @swiftie_wonderland13
told me that someone told her
that they heard Ethan say that if
he were to cheat on me, he would
never tell me, and that he would
hide it. I got really upset and I felt
like my chest could explode. I
talked to him after I calmed down
a bit. I told him about what I
heard and asked him if it was
true. He promised me that it
wasn’t true. I believed him but it
really hurt me. Later that night I
asked him if we could take a
break for a few days because I
needed time to think about what
happened that day and what I
wanted to do about us. He was
really upset that I wanted to take
a break for a few days. Then later
that night I called him to explain
everything. I explained my whole
thought process and we talked
everything out. We made up that
night. But I don’t think things are
fully the same again.
After eects of the ght:
Ever since that night it just hasn’t
been the same between us. He
doesn’t send these emojis
anymore 😘 🥰 . We use to
send them every night but ever
since I asked him to take a break
he hasn’t sent one of them. He is
still saying he loves me, we are
still talking, he is saying that
everything is ne between us, and
we are still hanging out. It just
feels complicated and like
something is wrong.
What my friends think about it
All of my friends think that I need
to break up with him because
they think our relationship is
starting to get toxic. Which I
agree with some of that, but it is
my decision what I do in the end
What I think about it all:
I have been thinking about
breaking up with him. When I look
at all the time we have spent
together, I realize that I would not
be where I am today without him.
Before we even started dating we
were best friends and we knew
that it was always more than just
friends. He has helped me in my
good and bad moments but also
some of my darkest moments
too. I feel that if I break up with
him I might lose him in my life
completely forever. I am not ready
for that yet.
How he helps me:
When I am upset, stressed,
nervous, or feel like crying he is
there for me. He tries to comfort
me in the best way he can. He
hold my hand or gives me a hug
while telling me that is going to
be okay.
Thanks for listening Peeps! If
you have any opinions or
thoughts about the update. Like
if you peeps have an opinion on
what I should do. Plz ask me
them in the comments!