Hi Peeps! I have not posted ina very long time, but a lot hashappened between me andEthan since my last updatepost.The fight that started this roughpatch for me and Ethan:My friend @swiftie_wonderland13told me that someone told herthat they heard Ethan say that ifhe were to cheat on me, he wouldnever tell me, and that he wouldhide it. I got really upset and I feltlike my chest could explode. Italked to him after I calmed downa bit. I told him about what I heard and asked him if it wastrue. He promised me that itwasn’t true. I believed him but itreally hurt me. Later that night Iasked him if we could take abreak for a few days because Ineeded time to think about whathappened that day and what Iwanted to do about us. He wasreally upset that I wanted to takea break for a few days. Then laterthat night I called him to explaineverything. I explained my wholethought process and we talkedeverything out. We made up thatnight. But I don’t think things arefully the same again. After effects of the fight:Ever since that night it just hasn’tbeen the same between us. Hedoesn’t send these emojisanymore ❤ 😘 🥰 . We use tosend them every night but eversince I asked him to take a breakhe hasn’t sent one of them. He isstill saying he loves me, we arestill talking, he is saying thateverything is fine between us, andwe are still hanging out. It justfeels complicated and likesomething is wrong.What my friends think about it all:All of my friends think that I needto break up with him becausethey think our relationship isstarting to get toxic. Which Iagree with some of that, but it ismy decision what I do in the endthough.What I think about it all:I have been thinking aboutbreaking up with him. When I lookat all the time we have spenttogether, I realize that I would notbe where I am today without him.Before we even started dating wewere best friends and we knewthat it was always more than just friends. He has helped me in mygood and bad moments but alsosome of my darkest momentstoo. I feel that if I break up withhim I might lose him in my lifecompletely forever. I am not readyfor that yet.How he helps me:When I am upset, stressed,nervous, or feel like crying he isthere for me. He tries to comfortme in the best way he can. Hehold my hand or gives me a hugwhile telling me that is going tobe okay.Thanks for listening Peeps! If you have any opinions orthoughts about the update. Likeif you peeps have an opinion onwhat I should do. Plz ask methem in the comments!