My stupid sister wrote this in ELA LOLLOLOLOL
Frighting The Pen
Story (Chapter 1)
Hello. Lately, This weird “Pen” has showed up in my room for
some time. For the record, it hasn’t moved since August .. For
more information , it’s already December. It’s black and weird
looking.. the pen looks very.. dull, it’s also out of ink, it had it’s
cap on since then, but how is out of ink? The ink usually stays in
a pen for a long period of time. Enough talking, Anyways, I’m
Rose, Rosella for long, but call me Rose anyway. I’m 14 and I
need to show my story to you. This pen everyday after school I
see it, It leaves me a note everyday something, kind?.,. So It’s my
turn to frighten it.. But what does it? Ah-Ha! I can call my friend,
she knows how to. [the stage darkens]