12 24AMSaturday March78thhito whoever isreadingthis firstofallthankyouall alotforallthesupportandeverything howeverl'mgonnahavetotake abreakfor a while I'llbeback as soon as I canthough andforthosewonderingwhy it'snotbecausemygradesor loosingtimebutit'sjust otherthan artblockI'vebeenreallybusyandstillam and so yeahthankyouagainandI hopeyouguys understand 3PS for those with requests I'm still waitingforthem to be reviewed I mightjust un publishthe noteand put them all in one note it'sjustbeen a lot lolwasn't even planning on taking requests but I felttoo bad to say no 3MARYAM DHARANA