Tracer Doc- 12+ ONLY
As everyone noticed people tend to think its okay to tr@ce, well it’s denitely not, I have
prepared a doc with current info, yes I am still adding to it I will have living evidence and no
tracer has no right to be angry at me because well, its your fault. And the so called
“referencing” is heavily referencing. I put m_1k’s amendment on there just in case! Put your
Email down below in the comments, I will not be accepting any school emails ill only
accept them on certain conditions, but no school emails at all make yourself a new gmail
account to access it, sorry I don’t want other schools to view this and its dangerous s eh.
It’s also a bit too juicy so I recommend 12+ because i don’t want young-ins in on the
drama. Also after reading the detail please don’t attack the person or report them at all if
they get banned i will be deleting the document and give access to very few people, i will
not be doing document collabs sorry Yuoaki yours has school emails >-< i will not give any
chance of confessions all emails will be inputted tommorow and more will be added (i need
at least 50 people in to let it reach some known people)