Alright, I’d like to see who’s more
hateful than the 2012 Shredder, if
you haven’t seen the show let me
give you some examples of this
“man’s” hatred for Master Splinter:
k*lling his wife, kidnapping his
daughter, making said daughter
believe Splinter k*lled her mom,
and the worst thing he did was
when the turtles and the rest of the
main characters teamed up
against those triceratops aliens
who were trying to destroy the
planet with a device that can
create BLACKHOLES, splinter and
Shredder notices that the device
was about to go o so they ran
towards it to stop it.. and you
know what Shredder did? He
K*ILLED Splinter, therefore letting
the device go o. He HATED
splinter SO MUCH he’d let the
whole planet be destroyed just so
he could k*ll splitter