Guys I miss my crush so freaking bad! So like I am now on thanksgiving break which I was like reallyexcited about but like I really miss my crush, anyway literally no one emails each other anymore butlike I dont have my crushes number so like what other choice do I have? Anyway I emailed him andsaid “I do like you.” Because today during class he Said that any girl would pass out if they had sawhis abs but then his friend says “not (my name) she doesn’t want you (my crushes name).” And Iwas really embarrassed cause he said that infront of the whole class 💀 but like deep down I’m likebegging for him 😭 then he like kept saying my name trying to get me to look at him but like I didn’tcause I was embarrassed like I could feel my face getting hot and everybody was staring andlaughing I didn’t say anything and tried not to look but I really wanted to and I wish I had 😔 but likeI don’t think my crush ever checks his emails so I finally remembered his friends last name but justfor conformation I asked if it was him still waiting for a response from both 💀 🤞 wish me luck 😘