FratType of settlement: TownSize of settlement: ModerateNotable areas: The city hall, a railway station, a police station, a small, old library, and a hotel.------------------------Local Districts------------------------Northern districts: Oreharbor, Sichis, Starkirk, Leazunridge, and RamaEastern districts: Horivsley, Fieldhaven, Scus, and Uloneder BridgeSouthern districts: Harborbrook, Towerthorpe, and TicWestern districts: Redminster, Tretmouth, Klemalrock, Niaanofast, and SundaleCentral districts: Towerfell, Hellfoot, and Initinal------------------------General------------------------Financial status: IncreasingLocal Government: Very efficientGrowth/development: RarePublic services: RareCrime rate: MediumCost of living: CheapEmployment prospects: Very goodPublic Transport: Very good------------------------Appearance------------------------Overall appearance: FlatUrban area: 75%General construction level: Well-builtGeneral level of upkeep: Falling into disarrayGeneral street condition: Always filthy------------------------People------------------------Population: Disproportionately smallLevel of contentment: Very unhappyRacial diversity: MulticulturalAttitudes towards visitors: PrejudicedRegional accent: Very strong Type: "Not too bad"This legal system is a little lenient, ignoring some crimes and leaving others undefined.Serious Crimes (9): (Very illegal)- Indecent exposure- Being in debt- Child abuse- Slander- Torture- Organised crime- Resisting arrest- Blackmail- RapeIllegal (10): (But Ignored):- Piracy- Murder- Drug dealing- Extortion- Fraud- Vandalism- Slavery- Arson- Assault- Tax evasionNeither Legal Nor Illegal (5):- Burglary- Libel- Robbery- Trespassing- BriberyFrequently Problematic (0): (Actively trying to stop)Legal/Legally Protected (2):- Manslaughter- KidnappingPunishments for criminals include:- The mysterious disappearance of the accused (temporary)- Death by hanging- Mob attack- A long prison sentence****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** Taboos and Social****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******------------------------Socially Accepted Behaviours:------------------------- Asking for help- Showing affection in public- Gossiping- Owning a gun------------------------Major Social Problems:------------------------- Patriotism- Littering------------------------Major Taboos:------------------------- Adultery- Suicide------------------------Minor Taboos:------------------------- Alcohol consumption- Owning a knife- Begging- Having more than one child- Mixing with the opposite gender in public------------------------Punishments for breaking Major taboos include:------------------------- Indentured servitude- Prison sentences up to 3 years- The mysterious disappearance of the accused (temporary)- The death sentence------------------------Punishments for breaking Minor taboos include:------------------------- Sanctioned bullying- Mob attack- Public humiliation - Minor confiscation of property