The story of how my oc’s, Peach Tea and Luna feel in love:They met at the bus stop.It turns out that they were going to the same coffee shop! Peach Teastood in line in front of Luna, and Luna was complaining about the linebeing to long. Peach Tea says, “Wait, I know you from somewhere …Oh,that’s it! You go to the same school as me!” They started talking, and theline got shorter in no time. Peach Tea pays for Luna’s coffee for her, andLuna, surprised asks, “Why did you do that for me?” Peach replies with,“That’s what friends do!” Luna thanks her, “Nobody has really noticed mebefore.”, she adds, and the two head out.They started hanging out together, and always went to that coffee shopafter school. Slowly, they began to fall in love. One day, Luna planned totell her that she likes her, but just as she opened her mouth, Peach Teaconfessed her love for her!They blush.They talk.They laugh.They leave.They walked out into the streetlights, and the world around them wascovered in snow. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, eachmoment had a dreamlike quality. Luna offered Peach Tea a ride home inher new car (she got it for her birthday),and as she drives, Peach Tea fallsasleep, collapsing onto Luna’s shoulder. Luna smiles, knowing she’s notlonely anymore.