heres a chat between our HSA characters bc im bored and wanna see how this unfolds lol
I'll start lol
Kylie - *Kylie is reading a book in a corner with Starwatcher next to her when she sees a blonde girl
walking through the halls, trying to nd her class. She closes her book and Starwatcher follows her
as she walks over to the girl*
"Hi, I'm Kylie and this is Starwatcher. Need any help?" she asks in a kind voice
Adelyn- *has no clue someone’s talking to her because her earbuds are in. *holding her skateboard
that has like a million random stickers on it
Looks around and sees Starwatcher, stares, looks up at Kylie
“Uh… hello? What did you just ask me?
Kylie - *Starwatcher snorted to herself but Kylie gave her a look and she stopped* "I was wondering
if you needed any help nding your classes" she repeats calmly, remembering being like that once.
Adelyn- “Oh, wow, uh”. She glances at her schedule and gives a sigh. “Yeah sure— I!” Adelyn
grabbs her hand in pain as her eyes start glowing and so her her hands a bright yellow light. Her
white streaks in her hair glow, and panic crosses her face