School BingoYou have Your fav Youarein You hate You lovea hallway subject is hischool math schoolcrush historyYou are in Your fav Youhavoebone You are in You lovemiddle subject is quotasm I elementary schoolschool math schoolYou hate Yourfav You have You have You haveSchool subjectis amazing lots of one closelanguage handwriting friends groupYou are Your fav Youhave You ane You areEthlened subjectis terrible really sly bad atat school science handwriting at school mathYouhave You have You drop You think Yourfriendsan one really your bags Middle high are yourextracurricular bad teacher regularly lockerooms fav partskill are gross of schoolYou are You have You do You have You avoidslow at one really most of acrusty people atPE goodteacher Iffley locker school