Little angst bc why not
I’m the therapist friend, the one that’s there for u when u need it. I bottle everything
up because friends have too much to worry about. I say I’m fine but am I? No I’m
not I’m putting on a smile faking my laugh the going home to cry silently in my room.
I’m the therapist friend. I tend to not show my emotions I tend to let it all bottle up. I
had 2 mental breakdowns in the span of a day, one my friends witnessed and one
when I was in the bathroom. I bottle up my feelings, I don’t like ppl seeing me break…
in fact I hate it. It makes feel like I’m pathetic… like “if I can’t control it what’s the
point”. I hate ppl seeing me break. It makes me feel like I’m worthless like I’m
pathetic, weak. “If I can’t control it then who would?”