A Nose Is Nearly Nipped
CHRISTMAS EVE WAS JACK’S favorite day of the year. And for the last
few decades or so, he had spent that day in his favorite place:
his tree.
Jack’s tree was the oldest in Central Park. A thousand
people, maybe more, walked past it daily and had done so for
many years, but not one of them knew that Jackson Overland
Frost was very often living inside it.
This tree was much older than the park it stood in and was
even older than the city of New York itself. It was a sapling
when the city was still called New Amsterdam and there were
more Native Americans than settlers living in the swampy
forests of Manhattan Island.
By this Christmas Eve 1933, millions of people lived within
shouting distance of this noble oak, but its secrets were still
more absolute than they had been when flintlocks or bows
and arrows were the order of the day.
A heavy snow was falling over all of the East. It mu