Put a finger down soccer edition
Put a nger down soccer edition
If you put at least 5 ngers down you are good at soccer.
(And don’t worry if you didn’t you are still pretty good!😊 )
Put a nger down if you have scored a goal1.
Put a nger down f you have stopped a goal from being scored2.
Put a nger down if you have took the ball from someone3.
Put a nger down if you enjoy playing it (sometimes that’s all4.
that matters!
Put a nger down if you love playing on a team with friends5.
Put a nger down if you have had an assist6.
Put a nger down if you have took a corner kick that ended in a7.
Put a nger down if you have took a throw in8.
Put a nger down if are on a team9.
Put a nger down if you LOVE soccer and wouldn’t trade it out10.
for any other sport!