Sitiial Sitiolysdemocratic governmentwhencitizenshave a say indecision makingnon democratic governmentpower is held by a single ruler or a smallgroupabsolute monarchyking or queen w unrestricted powerconstitutional monarchyKing or queen w out constitutiondirectdemocracywhen citizens directly participaterepresentative democracycitizenselect representatives to make the decisionslocalgovernmentin a specificcity town village etcstate50 separategovernments per US statefederalgovernment that oversees the whole U's Brancheslegislativecongress house ofreps senetemakesthelawscan override presidants vetocan declare warcan impeach presidantexecutivepresident cabinetcarries out lawspropose lawsveto lawsjudicialSupreme court lower courtsinterprets lawsdeclare acts unconstitutional