Ultimate this or that!!!
Ultimate This or That!!!
Circle yours and remix!
Coke or Pepsi
Salt or pepper
Rain or shine
Sweet or salty
Ocean or space
Cat or dog
Beach or theme park
Marvel or DC
Chocolate or vanilla
Book or movie
Math or science
Video games or sports
Cake or ice cream
Tea or coee
Hotel or camping
Mario or Legend of Zelda
Minecraft survival edition or creative
Tie or bow tie
Star Trek or Star Wars
Night or day
Messy or neat
Mechanical pencil or wooden pencil
Headphones or earbuds
Spring or Autumn
Winter or Summer
Christmas or Halloween
Reese’s Pieces or Reese’s Cup
Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate
Zoo or Aquarium
Milkshake or ice cream soda
Roller skate or ice skate
Car or Plane
Slime or squishy
Ballet or Opera
Skittles or M&Ms
Manga or Anime
YouTube or TikTok
Text or call
City or country
Podcast or music
Kazoo or recorder
Record or cd
Scary movie or romance
Draw or paint