Year in Review
Ahh, 2024. What a year right?! *sigh* let’s be real, it was a horrible year… a lot of people died this
year, including Slime (rip <\3). We all grieved and are still grieving for all who were lost this year. Mr.
Beast was bad and so was a lot more YouTubers! Now, let’s talk about Year in Review. (Remix and
put your Year in Review- the good and the bad)
@cabin7_avenger ‘s Year in Review:
Started the year out with my fav band playing for new years 🤘 (Green Day)
Bought my rst vinyl!
Got my permit and panicked to death while driving
Got betrayed by my best friends
Record player and more vinyls
Met one of my best friends (lives in Guatemala 🥲 but we met while he visited America)
Got more serious about my relationship with Christ
Became adventurous and explored when we took trips
Listened to LOTS of Spotify
Had a hoco date for the rst time
Got my rst bf
First major anxiety attack
Discovered my Punk/Skater style and became in love with it
Started dealing with depression
Broke up with bf (bc God told me I needed to even tho nothing bad had happened)
Got betrayed by my best friends again
The Lord started showing me a dierent guy (Guatemala guy…..)
Panicking about life
Deciding to get new friends
Journaling my book ideas and researching writing agents to get published!
Trusting God more than I ever had
Ending my year with Green Day again (this time listening to their songs and reecting)
Terried for my future, but remembering that God will be with me no matter what