Ahh, 2024. What a year right?! *sigh* let’s be real, it was a horrible year… a lot of people died thisyear, including Slime (rip <\3). We all grieved and are still grieving for all who were lost this year. Mr.Beast was bad and so was a lot more YouTubers! Now, let’s talk about Year in Review. (Remix andput your Year in Review- the good and the bad)@cabin7_avenger ‘s Year in Review:Started the year out with my fav band playing for new years 🤘 (Green Day)Bought my first vinyl!Got my permit and panicked to death while drivingGot betrayed by my best friendsRecord player and more vinylsMet one of my best friends (lives in Guatemala 🥲 but we met while he visited America)Got more serious about my relationship with ChristBecame adventurous and explored when we took tripsListened to LOTS of SpotifyHad a hoco date for the first timeGot my first bfFirst major anxiety attackDiscovered my Punk/Skater style and became in love with itStarted dealing with depressionBroke up with bf (bc God told me I needed to even tho nothing bad had happened)Got betrayed by my best friends againNeurodivergent……..The Lord started showing me a different guy (Guatemala guy…..)Panicking about lifeDeciding to get new friendsJournaling my book ideas and researching writing agents to get published!Trusting God more than I ever hadEnding my year with Green Day again (this time listening to their songs and reflecting)Terrified for my future, but remembering that God will be with me no matter what