“An inclusive tale that affirms everyone’s right to define themselves…. A must-have for everylibrary. This is an important book that will capture every reader’s heart and imagination.”—School Library Journal, starred review“In this uplifting debut, Symes-Smith skillfully crafts an emotionally rich adventure starring anintersectionally inclusive cast of courageous characters.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review“A can’t-miss, one-of-a-kind (for now!) page-turner, bursting with heart…. Among the best ofthe year—and a debut, no less.”—Booklist, starred review“Fierce, heartfelt, and determined.”—Kirkus Reviews“Young readers will find a worthy hero in Callie, who displays boundless courage in defendingboth their convictions and their friends.”—BookPage“Everything you could possibly want from a middle grade fantasy…. Fierce, sharp-witted, andunapologetically queer.”—The Nerd Daily“Symes-Smith has forged a razor-sharp story of bravery, emotional resilience, deep honor, andadventure!”—Ash Van Otterloo, author of Cattywampus and A Touch of Ruckus“This warm hug of a book is…thoughtful, inclusive, and an absolute joy.”—Jamie Pacton, author of The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly“A groundbreaking, magical story about fighting for who you are…. Callie is a character everymiddle-grade reader deserves to have on their shelves.” —Nicole Melleby, author of Hurricane Season, In the Role of Brie Hutchens…, and How toBecome a Planet“Symes-Smith has created a groundbreaking story with engaging, unforgettable characters,whose personal journeys will mean the world to so many young readers.”—A. J. Sass, author of Ana on the Edge and Ellen Outside the Lines“Sir Callie is the hero I needed while growing up.”—H. E. Edgmon, author of The Witch KingOceanofPDF.com Sir Callie and the Champions of HelstonOceanofPDF.com This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of theauthor’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,events, or locales is entirely coincidental.Text copyright © 2023 by Esme Symes-SmithCover art copyright © 2023 by Kate SheridanMap art copyright © 2022 by Kate SheridanAll rights reserved. Published in the United States by Labyrinth Road, an imprint of Random HouseChildren’s Books, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York.Labyrinth Road and the colophon are trademarks of Penguin Random House LLC.Visit us on the Web! rhcbooks.comEducators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at RHTeachersLibrarians.comLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataName: Symes-Smith, Esme, author.Title: Sir Callie and the dragon’s roost / Esme Symes-Smith.Description: First edition. | New York: Labyrinth Road, 2023. | Series: Sir Callie; book 2 | Audience:Ages 8–12. | Summary: Realizing that resistance to the inclusive culture they envisioned stillremains, twelve-year-old nonbinary hopeful knight Callie and their friends continue to fight for theheart of their kingdom.Identifiers: LCCN 2023012464 (print) | LCCN 2023012465 (ebook) | ISBN 978-0-593-48581-1(trade) | ISBN 978-0-593-48583-5 (ebook)Subjects: CYAC: Gender identity—Fiction. | Knights and knighthood—Fiction. | Dragons—Fiction. |Fantasy. | LCGFT: Fantasy fiction. | Novels.Classification: LCC PZ7.1.S995 Sj 2023 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.S995 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23Ebook ISBN 9780593485835Random House Children’s Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.Penguin Random House LLC supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diversevoices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorizededition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, ordistributing any part in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowingPenguin Random House to publish books for every reader.ep_prh_6.0_145344141_c0_r0OceanofPDF.com ContentsCoverAlso by Esme Symes-SmithTitle PageCopyrightDedicationAuthor’s NoteMapThe Ballad of Sir Dorian and the Wyndebrel BeastCallieTeoChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveChapter ThirteenChapter Fourteen Chapter FifteenChapter SixteenChapter SeventeenChapter EighteenChapter NineteenChapter TwentyChapter Twenty-oneChapter Twenty-twoChapter Twenty-threeChapter Twenty-fourChapter Twenty-fiveChapter Twenty-sixChapter Twenty-sevenChapter Twenty-eightChapter Twenty-nineChapter ThirtyChapter Thirty-oneChapter Thirty-twoChapter Thirty-threeChapter Thirty-fourChapter Thirty-fiveChapter Thirty-sixChapter Thirty-sevenChapter Thirty-eightChapter Thirty-nineChapter FortyChapter Forty-one AcknowledgmentsOceanofPDF.com For Megan, who gave me wings, and Liesa,who taught me to flyOceanofPDF.com Dearest Readers,Welcome back to Wyndebrel! Before you join Callie on their adventures,there are a few things to address.First, you are going to meet a few new friends who use neopronouns.The same way Callie uses they/them/their and Willow and Elowen usehe/him/his and she/her/her respectively, these characters use the pronounsxe/xem/xir (pronounced with a beginning “z” sound). Like Callie, thesecharacters do not identify with the gender binary, and I can’t wait for you tomeet them!Now, more seriously:At the end of Book 1, we left our champions on the cusp of a hopefulfuture. But although the battle was won, the war is from over.Healing is a long and difficult journey, with twists and turns that oftenfeel like we are going backward. But slow progress is still progress, andhealing from the kind of trauma that Callie and their friends have suffered isnever simple. Each character, like each person, takes their journey at adifferent pace, and it is my intention that all readers be able to findthemselves in one of our heroes. That said, I urge every reader to consider their triggers and boundaries.Sir Callie and the Dragon’s Roost is a triumphant adventure, but the battlesare not only fantastical. Within these pages are depictions of violence,transphobia, and child abuse, as well as frank discussions concerning thewell-intentioned but ultimately harmful efforts of adults.This book is about deconstructing the stories we take for granted anddiscovering truth for ourselves. It is about enemies and allies and the bridgebetween them. It is about breaking down everything we think we know inorder to rebuild ourselves into who we truly are.If you are in need of extra help, here are some accessible resources:Trans Lifeline: translifeline.orgChildhelp: childhelp.orgThe Trevor Project, confidential helpline for LGBTQIA+ youth:thetrevorproject.orgIn a world where those seen as “different” are persecuted, the bravestthing any of us can do is stay stubbornly ourselves.You are enough and loved, exactly as you are.—Esme Symes-SmithOceanofPDF.com