if pbHello guys! Sorry I haven’t posted in a week, I’ve missed you all somuch! I just had my iPad confiscated by my loving older sister duringthe entire duration that I was absent. Truly disappointing, moreespecially since I had so much I want to talk to you guys about! Butalas my memory fails me once again. I’ve completely forgotten what Iwanted to post to begin with! Anyways, I just spent the last whilechecking the posts of the people I follow. Seems like many of youhave had a wonderful break! Some of you celebrated Christmas withfamily, got presents, and stayed up for new years! I’m happy for you!And some of you didn’t have as much of a pleasant time, but hey! Atleast you made it to 2025, right? Proud of all of you! Just know I’mrooting for all of you, each and everyone. May this be a blessed yearand hope you all continue to grow and stay strong. Good day andgoodnight!