Song guide to mean girls
Song guide to mean girls
Cautionary Tale- the way they made it looked like it was being videoed on an iPhone was really
smart and so was the guitar and they sang it so well the harmonies!!!
What ifs- I don’t hate this song. I actually really liked it. My issue with it is it replaced “It Roars”,
which is Cady’s song in the musical. And cady in the musical is chaotic and fun in the beginning (a lot
like Anna) so this song made cady seem depressed and gave her a different personality. This is a
great song but somthing that should be on Fokelore and not in Mean Girls.
Where do you belong (cut song)- I wasn’t too too mad that this was cut. It’s a good song but tbh many
people would have gotten annoyed it’s very “showy” I love it cause I’m a theater kid but many might
not so that’s prob why it was cut
Meet the plastics- so this was such a powerful introduction- to Regina. BUT, they cut Gretchen and
Karen’s part which is sad cause they were funny. Regina’s part was great but it kinda needed at a
weird spot plus I love Gretchen and Karen’s part.