STUDY GUIDE 2 Class SUBJECT Datemmidtermreview 10110120233SCHEDULE15 30 45 60whour 7 breaks athour 2 break 2hour3other responsibilitieshour 4I group projectmeetingchoresrehearsalshour 6KEYTERMS Main ideaskeyterm Iuse this section to define start with overarching conceptsmain ideasMain ideasignificant words or 4 use informationhierarchies toconcepts that appear in show relationshipsbetweeninformationhighlight key words or points tokey term 2 convey significancecomplete this sectionafter filling main main idea 2ideas to avoid any use this section to connect differentunnecessary repetition kinds of information to one anotherinclude diagrams pictureskey term 3 or concept maps to visualizelayerhighlights to conceptsdifferentiate levels of 4 write out formulas equationsimportance in this space STUDY GUIDE 2 Class SUBJECT Datewritename here MMIDDIYYTYSCHEDULE15 30 45 60 SCHEDULE NOTEShour 7 color palettehourI 3brown 74205hour3 highlighter CQ9747hour 4hour 5hour 6KEYTERMS Main ideas