Erebus W: Chapter 17 part 2 (Greyson and Erebus)
Greyson slammed through the armies and everything came naturally. He jumped up and shot five
arrows at once, and took five out. Any monster that got to close would start to melt. Greyson had a
clear patch around him so he started shooting his bow and arrow. Greyson jumped up and whacked
his bow against a monster, and knocked it down.
He looked up, and someone came speeding towards him. She stopped, and Greyson dropped his
He ran up and hugged one of his best friend’s and she hugged back.
“We have to get out of here!” She said firmly.
“Erebus. He’s going to do something stupid!”
Greyson stood there. “I’m sorry. You’ve just been through Tartarus, and in the middle of a war you
want us to retreat?!”
Chiara nodded. Greyson picked up his bow and smacked a monster down with it. Chiara used her
spear and sliced through one.
Greyson looked back up at Chiara. “Look, I know you’ve had it rough but it’s been rough here too!”
Greyson looked at his friend carefully. There was fear and pain in her voice. She had seen something
that shook her to her core.
Greyson nodded. “How long do we have?”
Chiara looked down. “Five minutes. It took me a little longer to get here from that hill over there.” She
said pointing.
Chiara rolled her eyes. “Okay. We have to do it now though.” She said softly.
Greyson nodded, and used an arrow to slash a monster down. He turned to the Greek army.
“GO TO CAMP! RETREAT!” He yelled.
“But we’re winning!” A kid yelled.
Greyson eyed them hard, and soon the Greek army took off. All but Nerth, and Luke. Something then
snapped in Greyson’s mind. Four people stood on the hill. Erebus was somewhere else. Five. Nerth
wasn’t the fifth, Luke was. Luke stood there and slammed his sword through a hellhound.
Nerth punched one down the hill, and he ran over with Luke.
“What’s happening?!”
“Erebus is going to do something.” Chiara said softly.
Nerth and Luke nodded, and the four stood there.
“So… what is he going to do?” Luke asked softly.
Christ shook her head and looked down. “I don’t know. Something stupid… scary…” She said softly.
Greyson couldn’t help but feel bad some. She had been through literal hell and back. She had seen
stuff. Erebus had to do stuff he probably would never have done— like what he was about to do now
in two minutes.
I let it all ll me. I stood there as my worst memories and anger ll me. Every bad
thing, every bad word that was said to me. Every time someone died with me there.
I let it all ll me. Anger, sorrow, and fear ooded me. Mostly anger.
I looked up and down at my hands. Darkness started coming out. I clenched my sts
and closed my eyes.
This would end now.