Hello everyone, I would like to clarify some things before anyconfusion forms when or if the Liam’s circus comic ends.I would like to say that when it does end I will still be leader.There’s a big giant twist but I will still be leader.Next, I want to clarify that when the comic ends the club willnot end. The club will still be up and running when the comicends.Finally I would like to say that when the comic ends nothingelse will change. Let’s just say the comic is only a division ofthe club, but does not define the club. It’s only the lore of ourocs. However when wink wink dies, I’ll still post normal stuffabout wink wink even when wink wink is dead. He’s still goingto be my OC and is still the clownclub’s favorite teehee. Havea good day! -Finn