Fast forward. I have the talk(it was interesting and VERY long). Astraea stillinvites me to stay with her. Bexter agrees after a little convincing and I leavewith them at the end of the camp term. Tyler’s funeral service was a really sadmoment but I came out of it stronger. I had given Devin my number so we couldkeep in touch over the break. I had eventually told him about what my momhad said and he said that we shouldn’t worry about it right now. I was thankfulfor that. We had grown closer to each other, not quite dating yet though. Nikawas trying everything to get us together but I told her she would have to waitanother year. She had rolled her eyes but didnt protest. She was going to stayover the break, promising to keep in touch. Bexter drove us to a nice apartmentwhere Astraea’s mom stood waving at the door to us. Astraea’s baby brother,Brent, was waving at us too with a big smile on his face. I instantly feel in lovewith him. Astraea had a sister too who was a bit smug. She hated me from themoment she met me but she eventually warmed up to me though. Especiallyonce we found common ground through music. Astraea’s mom loved me, treatingme like her own daughter. She was really nice. I was playing with Brent when Irealized that he was deaf. I told Astraea’s mom about it and she confirmed it.She said she was going to get a sign language teacher for him and us. He cameover everyday during the week, teaching us. Brent was smart and picked it upquickly. I was excited to learn it to. I had always wanted to learn how to signbut here was the chance to learn. Years went by. Me and Devin eventuallybecame boyfriend girlfriend. Annabeth had been busy working on some secretprojects that she made sure me and Nika couldnt get into. No matter how hardNika pressed, Annabeth wouldnt budge. We still had a lot of fun. I startedPegasus riding and instantly fell in love with it. My Pegasus’s name wasSilverwing. She was, of course, silver with white flecks on her wings. She wasfast and agile. I had met another rider named Katie from the Hephaestus cabin.Her Pegasus‘s nAme was Spark. We had become fast friends and raced Pegasusall the time. Besides that, I was in school as much as I could be. I mean, I waskicked out once because some Harpies wanted me as a snack. but I managed tostart high school with little problems and was three grades ahead of my agegroup. Astraea was still sad over Cole but she had poured that energy into thefamily and her studies. Despite her dyslexia, which was worse than mine, shewas really smart. She went to college which wasn’t fun because she was always On campus. We had gone to visit her multiple times which was always a blast.This time, we had come over during fall break. I had gotten used to callingBexter Dad and Astraea’s mom, Elisabeth, Mom. They were great parents. Wewere talking in the small kitchen at Astraea’s place as Mom made brownies. ILOVED her brownies. She had a secret ingredient that she wouldnt tell me tillI moved out. No matter how many times I pleaded her. I asked her again todayand got the same answer I always did. I’ll tell you when your older. I rolled myeyes and Astraea laughed. She called me a savage of a teenager but I had justnever had any confidence of my own to show my personality. Well, that allchanged. We were about to dig into the brownies when A knock came from thedoor. Being demigods, a knock could mean anything and me and Astraea tensed.Astraea went to the door. I walked up to the door and saw Hermes. He had hisdelivery outfit on and was holding a golden note. Hello Astraea. Delivery. Hesays and hands it to her. She opened the note and read it. No offense but I wasa pretty fast reader and almost Squeler when I read it. Astraea’s eyes lit upand a old fire returned to them. Astraea thanked him and closed the door. Go!Go see him you little rascal! I tell her with a smirk. Im not the rascal! She sayssmiling and grabbed her guitar from the corner. She waved to us and ran outthe door. I smiled. Where is she off to? Mom asks. Oh, she Had a date. I tellher with a smile and cut myself a brownie. She looks confused but doesn’tpress. Astraea doesn’t get home Till late. I was on her couch, listening to mymusic on my iPod. She walks through the door, grinning from ear to ear. Behindher was Cole. He had the same grin on his face as Astraea did. I pull myAirPods out. Hey Lura, can you go get everyone? Astraea asks me, Sure I tellher and get the family to gather in the living room. Mom, Dad, Lura, Bexter,and Micah. Astraea addresses all of us. Cole and I have something we want tosay.A year laterAstraea was having twins in a few months. I was really excited. She was comingover to dinner tonight. Mom was making brownies again and let me help hermake them. The secret ingredient knowledge was within my grasp. I waschecking every ingredient when the doorbell rang. Lura, will you get it? Momasks. I nod and go to the door. I expected Astraea and Cole but instead was my Mom. Mom? I say, She puts a finger to her lips and waves her hand.Now they can’t hear us. She says. What are you doing here? I askher. I came to warn you, your journey approaches soon and I fearyou wont be ready. She says, trailing off. My heart freezes. Wait, asin soon soon? I ask her. No, you have time but it may be too little. Ifthe journey starts and your not ready, you wont be able to stop it.If you get to make it to Camp before it starts, learn as much as youcan. She says, eyes digging into me. This is what I feared. I can’tmove. Athena looks off in the distance. I have to go, I’ve been heretoo long. Good luck. SHe says and disappears. WAIT! I yell but its toolate. LURA! EVERYTHING OK? Mom asks. Yeah Mom, it was just somedelivery guy. I lie and walk back in. She had put the brownies in theoven. I was a little annoyed that I had come so close to learning thesecret ingredient but this was more serious. I’m gonna go lay down,take a quick power nap before they get here. I tell her, mind racingtoo fast. Ok, I’ll call you in when their here. She says with a smileand I walk to my room. Brent shared it with me so I could help him.He was sitting there on his tiny bed and silently playing with one ofhis cars. He signed to me and I smiled. Brent always made me feelbetter, even if he wasn’t my real brother. But I really had to focuson my mom’s words. ‘Sorry, I can’t play right now’ I sign to him. Helooks disappointed but goes right back to playing. I open my journalto a fresh page and start jotting down a layout. I poop my AirPods inand shuffle songs and turn it up loud. I lose track of time and don’trealize their here till Brent taps me and signs that Mom was callingfor me. I rushed to put my journal away and looked at my hair inthe mirror and then put on a fake smile. Just get through the night,then you can think about this later. I tell myself and make a mentalnote to call Devin later. I held Brent’s hand as we walked into thekitchen. I got this. I tell myself. Somehow I knew that this wasgoing to be a moment to savor.