OMFG FKING STOP WITH THE OH IM DEPRESSED OR OH I HURTMYSELF CUZ WE ALL KNOW U DON’T YOUR PROBABLY LIKE A 8YEAR OLD ITS ANNOYING CAUSE THERE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ITWORSE AND WHO ACTUALLY HAVE DEEP DEPRESSION AND UFAKING IT IS JUST DISGUSTING EVEN IF YOU DO YOU'RE DOING ITFOR ATTENTION WHICH IS EVEN MORE DISGUSTING I CAN’T KEEPTHIS ALL IN SO IM SORRY BUT JUST DON’T FOLLOW ME IF YOU DOTHIS....I’m sorry but- she’s not 8. Not being rude or anything just saying.Proof? I can get you that if you ask.Oh ok she’s not 8 I was overexaggerating😋 and in peoplevery well in fact I have 4 attentionseekers in my family so ik howthey work/type and your right Idon’t have proof but she did sendme a photo of her flipping me offand she had no cuts althoughthey could be some where else.