u gottheU havesiblingsMir'bestfriends u need lol feelin youis ur heh to sleepyes alwaysneedto justifya ipad move yourselfu had a u hear on ur haircrush on what others is dyedaboy scualitmetest yess 694 10youpretend ur never u used to u don'tsometimeuwereokay anyonedrinkeatur werentS t have a bloodbut actually complex much nearlynothingU like to ur favcolora thing is black redpoint urnails preppyno matter ifur Eglyp purplegreenany boy'su onceu doanyur theonecrush on a who issupposedlysports fell offu had aabalconygirlUm a psychou draw u would a linedescribe urself you wannamarrypotteras beautiful diesobadlystuffU Own u have ur room ur alwaysasana mannnna bestfriend hasthousandso sadanda cat neverusedthemstill goin reallifeu once hadto school a surgery thinkeverythingin schoolforty yesur parents ur goodis alright or were