When BTD is activated, is it just rewinding•time, erasing the timeline it was in justthen, or creating an entirely new one?If 「The Hand」can erase anything, it•could’ve just erased Killer Queens hand sohe couldn’t not only detonate anything, oractivate BTDIf King Crimson can just fast forward time•10 seconds, you could just blip off of acliffSilver Chariot could just blind someone if•he wanted toWhile Jotaro was in prison, Star Platinum•was trying to prove it was being friendly bybringing him things so he wouldn’t be bored😭Weather Reports Stand: Weather Report•could solo the entire JoJo verseconsidering how it beat a stand ascendedto Heaven-like power levelKars from the spin-off novel is the•strongest character to ever exist, evenstronger than DIO OH