oi :0 (2) (2)
omg weirdgirl
i am kidna happy rn and i am glad ur back
u were one of the ppl inspired me the most
i hoped you came back
idk that’s just pretty cool for me rn
fr? i typed u on pinterest where i spoke about me being sad since u left :’D and yes i am rlly happy
ur back u and ur friends made the gallery kinda alive idk missed u ofc (oke that is weird)
but yhhh i yey you are back (why am i talking that weird)
bahahah that’s rst time anyone said that tbh *shocked silence me in ma room sobbing rn*
but oooo lol that kinda made me blush tho- aiiii
crying as well
a *another episode of me slowly getting attached to random ppl since they make me feel
comfortable in way thats is just unrealistic* i-… eheheeheh i have been nice :’D crying even more
still sobbing tho i skipped school 😭 ye idk i have a problem that are nice to me = don’t insult me for
any random shit and don’t yell at me in rst place 💀 🫣 🛸 🦦
i was kinda tired and sick so i stayed at home 😭 but ye i forgot some words💀
things in common 😭 💀 *died*
kinda more bc i am kinda
pathetic atm :D
Oml I’m dead I almost cried from hearing that you out of people are glad I’m back?!
Wow I’m honestly rlly happy and I inspired you?! Wow I’m literally abt to cry-😭
Wait I can’t go on my stuff on the weekends so I didn’t see :( and ,e and my friends did make it
alive? Ik honestly surprised hearing all this ik crying- and it’s not weird it’s sweet! Idk why u find it
weird it honestly makes me blush (not that’s weird srry!) but I missed u in the time I was gone too!<3
It is? Oh I’m shocked honestly! And why r u crying I should be you’ve always been so nice<3 (it did make u
blush? Oml cute!)
“Me slowly getting attached too* noooo don’t cryyyyyy ima cry even more too I’m at school even😭 and u have
been to nice.<3
Why would u skip😭 and I don’t yell I don’t like that. And don’t worry I say weird stuff too- looks
like we have stuff in common?😭
Died in a good way? :( I’m confused😭 <3
bahaha i kinda die out of laughter honestly never heard a better joke :DDD
but thanks ig i love u and ur art too 😭 <3 hell nawww
aww tyyyy bahaha i cry i am annoying thoooo but hey tyyyy and aww how cute can you be <3
o i literally have this in my sketchbook: i deserve
nothing < u deserve the world :ooo
and so do u and again tyyyy <333
oh my gawd that was smooth
the sketchbook is even more blushing than me rn >///<
ooo crying but sobbing and ilyyyy so much too ofcccc <3 lol
It’s not a joke I swear. I would prove it if I had to and if u want and idc if that’s gay lmao ilyt
Same💀 Your welcome! U deserve the world in my opinion! And u
can be cute too!<33
Wait u saved the whole chat in the sketch book? I’m
blushing<3 and the world doesn’t even deserve u
bec your way better than it<33
Ok I’m red as a tomato no joke<3 omllll ahhhhhhh ilyyy sm nglll<3
I can’t see that’s how much I’m crying but I can see a little- but I’m
literally blushing soooo much fr I am I swear if we were in a anime I’d
probably die of blood lose bec of a bleeding nose- lol