Billy was 8 years old and loved to play with cars,though he was not able to leave his room, he madethe best of it.Chapter 1!Billy would always play with his older brother,Elijah and play cars, but Elijah noticed Billy couldnot leave his room. “Billy, your not aloud to leaveyour room. And you know that! Don’t leave yourroom again, understand that.” Elijah pressed onBilly’s toe, saying. Thought of Billy’s cars.Chapter 1.0Billy made old drawings. He wishes to show.Tip:BILLY IS 8.Chapter 2: Billy’s old drawings Billy was playing with his cars. He was having somuch fun! He loved it! But his brother, stormed inand yelled at him.Hi! Help please my name is billy and i wish youguys could her me. I am in trouble. Pls send help! Iam dying here with my famiy.Always ensure you have permission to re-use imagesChapter 3: Billy’s message Chapter 4Tip: Billy is 8. Billy has a hard life. Stuck in a room, lock yourselfin your room and play with cars, pretend a stuffedanimal is Elijah, Billy’s older brother, startscreaming at yourself and fake/ pretend cry.5. Try being billy 6. Try being ElijahTip: Make billy rude to Elijah and see whathappens!.Elijah is mean get a stuffed animal and pretendthat is billy. Put a car in front of Your animal..MEAN BILLY = SAD ELIJAHMEAN ELIJAH = SAD BILLY If your wondering why Billy is always crying, makesure it’s the reason. ELijah is always mean. Tell theparents or just escape. Not hard.Chapter 7.=Billy’s teacher told him to go home and finish hishomework. While, he did. But his Brother, Elijah,did ruin it for him. “Redo it” is all Billy heard.Billy really did hate his teacher and his brother. Itwas not what he should.Tap (DONT)Chapter 8 ! Billy’s Drawing #1CREDITS : BBILLYELIJAHMETEACHER