Bio 336 Test 2CardiovascularSDSU 22systempighowed duetoÉw3animals needing Oz toeach cell Blood93 or lower Al C02Hypoxia Lack of Oz in Blood stream Leads to HypoxiaMeasured bOz SaturationHypoxia Lack of Oz at cells mitochondria and decrease in ATPproductionatmj.ggÉ Ef CrossedcardinasingSystemBiologicalvalves pigs orhumansNobloodclotsiMIMEMadygyzyr 725 r lifespanI dealingWleftventricleNgwane eft Ventre Blood clot is a thrombusApiecebroken off nowinPulmonary ArteryAortal bloodstreamCreates on Embolismlungsloxgenatedly Body tissue'ementedEndothelium CellsalongbloodPulmonary Veins Vena CavaLeft AWM stay Right Atrium vesselstyp tho NO into bloodstreammitralvalves Tricuspid to stop clottingvalves Damageto BloodvesselscausesBEEN Gigo thrombosesCardiacOutputRegurgitationBlood moving backwards MechankalVate MyungValve Overlap tostopThis dyspnea Difficulty breathing ble GunlimifeedspanMitral regurgitation Needprescription forPhepatomeglia Liver swelling drugtostopThromboemboliLeaflets another name forValveclasps AnticoagulantRededemy Swelling of bodyparts due to Warfarintricuspid regurgitation Vitamin KSemiInarvaire Aortic pulmonicValves Antagonistoff Aorticpulmonieltricuspif 3leaflets HeartsBlood goingbackto heartMitralvalve 2 leaflets HardertoOpenStenosis Narrowed open valveVenousReturn 2veinsRossProcedure Arctic valveregurgitation BodyTissue1114 4Congenital Heart Conditionst.esHypoxiaTransposition oftheGreat Arteries morepulmonicvalve to aorticFlippedpositionsof Aorta pulmonaryVein put a biologicalMaireBlood develops Hypoxemia cells I in pulmonic spotSystemic Pulmonic Circuits A for longerlastingdon't cross so noreoxygenation by lungs Because pressure is lowerin Right feentricle PiglairecansostalVentricular Septal Defect pressure longerHole in the septum lowerhalfLV blood to R V duetopressure differenceLess blood down to Cells tissuesVSD ASDAseptate can be used for to allow oxygenatedblood to crossSeptostomy Bridge to SurgeryR 98 oxgenation restored HypoxiaRAL decrease in oxgenation of Hypoxemia A Tricuspid Mitral ValveResults in leaks or Backflow into RightAtriumRegurgatateOxgenated Blood rejurgatatedinttiung developing Dyspnea DifficultyBreathingmg Fifi111IiPaAmine Dopamine dot'EdsterPositive Chronotrope Marafunny channels openfasterNegative Chronotrope makefunny channels opent If I e way Ra slower oldResting Heartbeat 60 12013,415ssowsheartrateI Cellsthathave powersBloodpresOpen Sec