We started walking into the woods outside of camp. It was calm and peaceful. We walked a little,and we saw mom’s car. The golden dust had faded away, and I stood there. I fought back tears, andEvelyn and Knole hugged me. We kept walking, and I hung my head as I was filled by empty. Evelynran in front of me and Knole and stopped us.“Where exactly are we going?” She asked.“Um…where the water meets sky? I said confusedShe cocked an eyebrow at me. “And where exactly is that?” She asked flatly. I made a poppingsound with my mouth and looked at Knole.“Um… Knole, do you know where we are going?”He thought for a moment and re said the first line of the prophecy. His eyes widened and he shookhis head.“What?”“We have two options… and there both terrible.” He said softly. We looked at Knole to saysomething but he just scratched his chin.“Where?” Evelyn asked.He looked her in the eyes. “Mount Othrys, or Tartarus.”My eyes widened and Knole gave a small nervous bleat. “Tartarus I’m in the underworld… not wherethe sky meets sea.” Evelyn said with worry.“I know, but when monsters are killed, they go to Tartarus to reform. That’s where the sky and seamonsters or spirts go… maybe I’m being a little stupid, but that would be my second guess.” Knolesaid softly.I looked at him carefully and he got nervous again. He started to chew on his bag, and I stoppedhim. “What about Mount Othrys? Isn’t that in Greece? Why is it wheee sky meets sea?” I asked him.He shook his head and squeezed his goat eyes shut.“Mount Othrys was moved to America with the gods. It’s the lowest point of the sky. Sometimes theocean comes up and will hit the sky… but it’s dangerous. A titan is t-t-there.” He said with endingthat last word on a bleat.“A titan?!”I looked at my sister who nodded. “Yeah… weren’t you paying any attention to Lura?” She saideyeing me.I have a nervous laugh, and remembered making a paper airplane, being a drummer with my pencil,and watching butterfly’s pass by the window. “Um… well… you see…”“You were to busy having ADHD moments.” She said flatly with no emotion, but her blood shoteyes. I gave an awkward smile, and turned to Knole.“Okay then… where is Mount Othrys now?”He looked up with his goaty eyes. They looked scared. “Mount Othrys is in Mount Tamalpais inMarin County, San Francisco, California.” He said softly.My eyes widened. “You mean we have to travel across the country?! How long do we have?!” Ibegged.Knole started chewing on his shirt, and sat down rocking himself. “We have a weak with Artemis’spatients.” He said softly.“A WEEK?!”“A WEEK?!”Knole nodded and I looked at my sister. “She needs more patience!” Evelyn said angrily. Knoleshook his head and looked up.“Be careful what you say, because Artemis is very patient! The others would have wanted this donein four days!” He said miserably.Oh gosh. I looked around the woods we were in, and knew we needed to go. “Come on guys… let’sgo. If we don’t make it then we’ll figure it out.” I said softly. Knole nodded, and Evelyn nodded withhim. She walked up to pore Knole, and extended a hand.“Come on goat boy. We got lots of work.” She said smiling. Knole nodded, and grabbed her hand. She pulled him up and he smiled.“Alright guys. Let’s go find a Diadem!”“YEAH!”“BLAHAHA!”We started walking and followed Knole. I looked up, and stopped walking. “Wait… what’s adiadem?”They turned around and looked at me. Evelyn shook her head, and Knole patted her back and said,“We are not going to live.”