I SHOULDWE CLOSEtigEEBIODIVERSITYÉPEEI biodiversityconservation Biodiversitysoundsexactly like what it is WellI 1typesofconservation similiar Biodiversitysoundslikediversityof lifeexamplesofconservation but itreallyisall he kindsof life you will finddebate on zoos in one area thevarietyof animalsT plantsfungiandorganismsthat make up ournaturalworldBiodiversity is massively important as it isessentialto all the processes on Earth includingtheexamplesbelowFOODCHAINS MAHIInsomeaswww.pyd dJEETFffLconsumedbyon otherorganismsandavan.ggHOWTOMAINTAINBIODIVERSITYsupportlocalfarmsdonatetozoosspy consumesavethebees ddonotcontributetodeforestation DISEASE nobody trulyknows the reason why but the morevaryingorganisms the less disease researchershave no ideawhythis effect occursbutspeculatethat itcould bethe belowspecies that areiI j sBECAUSEtheytend to have low reproduction ratesand invest heavily in immunity while species thatdo not help the buttering of disease have more reasonto survive thrive and less reason to go extinctBUSINESS Businesses and the economy rely onbiodiversity to thrive Forexample t t trelieson avarietyof animals toprovide food114110771 relies on animals skin to providematerials O purposeFinstad philosophy and conservationspecies from extinction as well asrestoring habitats and ecosystem servicesin situ 00 ex situaWornowffffnconservation ofecosystemsand natural habitats and of biologicaldiversityoutsidetheirthemaintanceandrecovery natural habitats in order tokeepof viable populations of loot control over these componentsspecies in their natural ofbiological diversity inorder tohabitat Forexamplegemnational parks wildlifewww mnto look like theiroriginalhabitatsÉÉÉ É É00