Amelot Lestrange
Sex/Gender: Intersex / Bigender.
Age: 16 - Born 18th of February.
Appearance:- Standing 5' 11" tall, this honey skinned man has an idiotic feel about him. His short, wavy, brown hair is worn in
pigtails. The front of his hair is dyed blueish teal ( ) He has large, brown eyes, a small nose and a rounded jaw. He wears
colourful eyeliner, reddish lipstick and subtle blush. He has a short neck, a long torso with washboard abs, strong legs, and long
arms. He has piercings in two places: his tongue and both nostrils.
Personal Status
Social Class: Elite.
Education: An A grade student.
Job: Hacker - 100% satisfied
Financial status: amazing.
Personal views
Religious view: Apatheist.
World view: Optimist.
Racial views: "Everyone is equal".
Gender bias: "Feminists are understandable and reliable".
Age preference: "Respect for all ages".
Conflict: "I always try to avoid physical confrontations".
Physical/Health: Has a lisp.
Quirks: Slouches.
Likes: Playing tag.
Dislikes: People who drink straight from the carton, people who speak loudly in public, and people who smoke around non-
Afraid of: Snakes
Self-satisfaction: 92% - Decreasing.
Fitness level: 100% - Increasing.
Motivator: Homesickness.
Skills: Good at getting out of trouble. An expert at soccer.
Colours: Likes Magenta and Brown.
Music: Likes Funk and Gospel.
Foods: Other people's cooking
Book Genre: Magical Realism
Animal: Snapping Terrapin
Job Specifications
Sector: Illegal
Position: Hacker
Description: A computer expert who can bypass security systems, hack into databases, and erase incriminating evidence.
Level: N/A
Type: Full-Time Work
Hours Per Week: 49
Hourly Rate: $8.29 / £5.80
Per Annum Approx: $21,123 / £14,778
Distance From Home: 0.3 miles / 0.48 km
Employee Benefits
Promotions: Hard
Overtime: No
Unpaid Holiday: 52 days
Paid Holiday: 9 days
Parental Leave: No
Childcare: Yes
Healthcare: Yes
Sick Leave: 2 days
Equal Opportunities: No*
Company Morality: Power-hungry
Worker Satisfaction: 5%
Company Reputation: Excellent
At first glance, this character looks like they are lots of fun.
1. Have a slippery voice.
2. Often wear coordinated outfits.
3. Always wear a head or hair accessory.
4. Shuffle/drag their feet when walking.
5. Believe that god is a sham created by people to get money.
6. Cough when nervous.
7. Have a good memory.
8. Mutter/mumble a lot.
9. Correct people when they use colloquial speech.
10. Are a very bad cook.
11. Constantly check their mobile phone.
12. Can correctly guess anyone's zodiac sign.
13. Have an exotic pet.
14. Refuse to fight or hurt others.
Power Type 1:
Mental Master
1 - Adaptive learner. (Immediately understand any new information and adapt it for the current requirements)
2 - Ultra focus. (Remain unshakeable; be calm and focused in all situations)
Power Type 2:
1 - Exorcist. (Resist and banish evil spirits and demons)
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Power | Power origin | Skill Level:
1st | Many years of study | --
Power | Power origin | Skill Level:
1st | Blessed (The Chosen One) | Extensive
Strengthened by: Strong morals
Weakened by: ---
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Personality Type: ISTJ - The Inspector
(Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging)
Friendliness: Dismissive
Honesty: Loyal
Assertiveness: Detached
Confidence / Ego: Self-critical
Agreeableness: Collaborative
Manners: Well-mannered
Discipline: Committed
Rebelliousness: Bound by the book
Emotional capacity: Overemotional
Intelligence: Imaginative
Positivity: Calm
Activeness / Lifestyle: calm