again supa bored anyone wanna chat?Hey. Hru?hy fine wbu sry this took me so longIts fine. Anyways how’s life going for ya?well i exist- wbu yiuHavent want to hit myself for a month. Anyways what do you wanna do?:0 this font is weird- uh and good u didnt hit urself D: well idk i amcurrently waiting for my momma to come home w food oml this fontWhat about uYa this font is weird so ima swap it. Omg so much better. Anyways while your waiting for food,what do you wanna do?dam i couldn’t concentrate on anything else than food mcdonalsssss but it was alr cold What u wanna doWell rn I’m procrastinating on math & listening to rap :plol i srsly lv rap :) oml this emoji:’)But fr tho if you want a rapper who doesn’t mumble I suggest you listen to Russooo fr tho i just listened to him bc yes i dont have any hobby hes fr rlly good:0 nah i am still stuck on mainstreamrapper:’) said yk the hood eminem dr dre 50c snoop dogg i die i am a lil smp for all of em 😭Omg I friking love them, hold on lemme go through my list of good rappers. DMX, that one song that Joshdub EddieVR& Your Narrator made, JT Music(meh but he can make good ones), Chamillion, Tupac, Roddy Rich, Busta Rhymes,Twista(idk if it’s his name but he made a song called Mista Tung Twista), Tech N9ne, Drake, the guy who made What’sPoppin’, Cypress Hill, Dax, & YourBoySponge. Ik a long list but their all goodooo yhhhhh tupac :0 i even knew some of them :o sry i fell asleep yesterday:’)Lol least you weren’t stuck on reading and writing a possible 2-3 page review over a single history bundlerip bro i just came home from school : i died- like in english we had to read a text and then fill the gaps w the right tenseand the teacher ofc took me bro that was so embarrassing i had to day it three times bc she is deaf or smth- it waswrong tho :D soooo frickin embarrassing Bro I have to deal with damn apostrophes and wHaTs ThE cOrReCt SeNtEnCe and I just do now want to do it b/c Islept ✨ Shitty✨rip i kind of made a new friend in school :0 i barely ever made friends so this is new i am shocked tbh but yh school is apain man soon my siblings will be home and then all my time alone is gone :’) i am sobbingOmfg I need new friends like my last ones literally stabbed me with a pencilai well yh i was about to say we can be friends but yh (this is very awkward for me :oLol you too? Anyways let’s not have this be awkward and I guess talk abt something else. Hmmmmmm… what’s yourfavorite movie:’) but yh okeee sooooo uh movie well uh i think any sad movies tbh i kind of love sad movies idk why and yh old disneymovies tho they are so cute and just perfect world tho they are sad too :P wbuuuProbably either “The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button” or “Kung-Fu Hustle” like omfg Kung-Fu Hustle was hilarious asshiii. And I almost f’ing cried at the ending of the first movie like omg it was goodo Wo un