Hey guys.I’m pretty sure by school blocked notability, so I can’t see my notifications orcheck people. I will still post on this account, but I am switching my main to myalt account, @Artemis_Fowl (might not be with capital letters, so also try@artemis_fowl, if you would like to follow it)Thank you for supporting me in this journey, I love you all. :D ❤(IF THIS CHANGES, I WILL LET YOU KNOW ON THIS ACCOUNT. ALSO, IWILL TRY TO GET THIS ACCOUNT ON MY HOME IPAD, SO PLEASE DO NOTUNFOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. If you do unfollow, I completely understandthough! :)It’s been fun,ArtemisCookies for you. 🍪 🍪 🍪Ps. Please repost this note, if you don’t mind! (You can change it a bit if youwant)